Sanai turned 6 months Friday, May 1, 2009.
She had her check-up and was 15lbs 3oz & 26 inches long. She is now sitting up on her own and the doctor said she looks great and "developmentally she is off the charts". His words, I promise. We discussed her "not sleeping habits". I decided to put her in her own crib for the first time EVER! The first night she got up twice, Mikal took care of it because I didn't wake up. I had an ear infection...yuck! The second night she stayed in her room until 4AM, 43oAM the night after that and 7AM Saturday. Great, right? Wrong. Sunday night was not so much fun. She decided she wanted to play at 1AM for an hour and a half. Did not go down. I swore that she wasn't going to win. Guess what? At 2:45AM....she won.

She is Gorgeous!! I can't wait to see her (and you!) When do you think you are going to be in Denver next? We are surprising Malik for his bday and taking him to see the Bears preseason game on Aug. 30th...