Thursday, January 29, 2009
Your two week appointment! (November 16, 2008)
So we go to the doctor and you weighed in at 7lbs 4 oz, and you are 21 inches. WOW! You like to eat like daddy!
Nana is back! 11/15/2008
Nana came back today. Now we have your bassinet in our room, but for some reason, you are still in our bed. HMMMMM!
Leslie is born!
Our neighbor, your new friend was born close to midnight!
Aunt Wanda came to visit Monday night, November 10th, to help out for a week. Uncle Trust dropped her off and came back to pick her up. She claims we (your daddy and I) hold you all the time. I have no idea why she said that. :-)
We ate good all week.
Big daddy likes to sing this silly song to you and you decided to hold the phone..."IIIIII LLLLOOOOVVVEEEE YOOOOOOUUUU!"
Welcome home baby Sanai! 11/8/2008
Your first doctor's visit 11/4/08--Election Day!!!!!
You were pooped!
Our First African American President was elected into office today! You were 4 days old!
President-Elect Barack Obama!
Our First African American President was elected into office today! You were 4 days old!
President-Elect Barack Obama!
Nana and Big Daddy Leave today 11/3/2008
Here is a picture of your proud grandparents!
True Story!!!!!
We dropped Nana and Big Daddy off at the airport and went to Walmart. I sent Mikal (daddy) off to get a few items so we could get out of the store quickly, since Sanai was only 4 days old (and wasn't supposed to be out at all). Mikal comes back around the corner in tears and Sanai was screaming at the top of her lungs. I am so concerned. Mikal can't hardly talk. I kept asking, "what's wrong".....nothing, just pointing and crying. Mind you, my husband is not emotional. I have NEVER seen him cry or even his eyes weld up. Today was the day. He had his first rush of love for his daughter and was so overwhelmed with emotions....HE CRIED! I decided that he is human after all. :-) Now here are some pictures the next day in your onsie that says "Daddy's Little Princess"
Leaving the hospital.....(Sunday, November 2, 2008 @3PM)
I begged and begged and they are letting us go today. You were checked out by the Dr. and your weight looks good. I can get out of the bed and move around a bit and I only take the necessary medication to hold you. Big Daddy and your daddy put the car seat in and it took them 45 minutes.
On the way home I wanted to stop by babies r us and the grocery store. It took us a couple of hours to get home. It was so hard for me to get in and out of the car. You woke up and wanted to be fed immediately, so Princess Sanai got to eat! :-)
Nana and Big Daddy come from NC (10/31/2008)
Your Nana was coming in two weeks to see you being born, but you had other plans. Your Auntie Tasha gave Nana and Big Daddy airline tickets so they could get here to meet you. They didn't make you being born, but they came that night(around 9:30PM) to greet you! Boy were they excited. You were so little. Big daddy has decided to give you a nickname..."Boo". Since you were born on Halloween! Everyone was tired. They went home and you stayed in the room with me. You were so good. You like to eat! I let you sleep in the bed with me. Uh oh!
I forgot to mention that you had your first visitor around 3 PM. "Little bit"..I mean Courtney Murphy!
The next day was a lazy day. Now it is Saturday. We ordered pizza. Our neighbor, Dee Dee is having a little girl, Leslie, and she is due anyday now.
I forgot to mention that you had your first visitor around 3 PM. "Little bit"..I mean Courtney Murphy!
The next day was a lazy day. Now it is Saturday. We ordered pizza. Our neighbor, Dee Dee is having a little girl, Leslie, and she is due anyday now.
Introducing Sanai Grace Porter
Our little girl was born at 5lbs 9 oz, 18 1/4 in long On Halloween, October 31, 2008 @ 10:54 AM
The story goes like this........
I started having contractions yesterday (10/30/08) and I made it through the night (All the while, your daddy slept peacefully :-
) ). At three this morning I woke up and then woke daddy. I said...."She is coming today". After that, I took a bath to help (so I thought) and you really started getting ready to come. We grabbed the bag for the hospital, the pillow, the video camera, the tripod and got in the car. I decided I needed to go by work for a minute. I was okay, but then, the contractions started coming closer together. Everyone thought I was crazy. We left there and we had to get you a car seat. I wasn't going to have a shower until the next Saturday, needless to say, we were quite unprepared. I call the doctor's office, it is now 8:30AM, we were at Sonic and I knew from when I had your brother 12 1/2 years ago that I absolutely had to eat something because it would be a while before I would be able to eat again. We did LAMAZE classes and your daddy thought he knew what to do. Because he was the class clown and didn't pay that close attention to what I needed, he let me eat junk food.....BAD IDEA! We checked in, went to the room, now it is 9:20AM. I changed my clothes, then they confirmed that you were in fact coming today. I go to the bathroom and then you decided that the bacon and egg on texas toast was not what you wanted. I will spare you the details. They plugged me up to a monitor so that we could listen to your heartbeat and make sure that everything was okay. I was trying to have you naturally, but.....the doctor, Dr. Dykes came in and said that I has to have a cesarean. I had already dilated 4cm, almost 5cm, but because they were afraid, I had to be put to sleep and they rushed to prep me....I cried and cried because I wanted to see you being born, but your daddy saw you right away. You were born at 10:54 AM. Thirty-four minutes after they told me that I was going into surgery. When I woke up...there you were, this beautiful little being. Our daughter Sanai!
The story goes like this........
I started having contractions yesterday (10/30/08) and I made it through the night (All the while, your daddy slept peacefully :-
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