Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sanai's 1st meal

Sanai took the spoon from me and tried to feed herself. She was hungry! :-) She ate late because daddy didn't get off work until 11PM. She LOVED her rice cereal and she slept through most of the night! Rice cereal it is for a few weeks and we will try something else new. In the meantime....mmmmmmmhhhhhmmm!

I know, I many pictures, but you had to get the full effect.

First time in a bouncer (2/24/09 @ 5:30PM)

Uncle George sent me this super bouncer (it was Autumn's, his and Erica's daughter)and Sanai got into it and was AMAZED! Can't you see how she was curious about the birds hanging? Then, she hit the part of the bouncer that made noises andit stratled her so she jumped and her eyes got really big, then she giggled. I was really excited that she enjoyed playing in this today because she has not enjoyed any of the other

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sanai and Olivia finally meet!

Danielle was Khalil's super amazing teacher and she had a baby in July, Olivia. She and Sanai are 3 months apart. This was their first time meeting and it was so much fun watching them. Olivia is so stinking cute! She is looking at Sanai like "what the.....". See her in a few months!

My babies in the mountains (Loveland, CO)

Khalil doing his thing!

Sanai ticked off because we have to watch Khalil doing his "thing". Had to eat right away, so I nursed her out here while watching Khalil and Uncle Ira come down the mountain!

Christina with Sanai

Christina is going to kill me for this picture, but Sanai looks so cute! She was giving her a bath. Maybe getting ready to start over! LOL

People in Denver, CO

Christina, Larry and Sanai

Mr. Larry imitating Sanai

Larry looks like a natural @ this.

Cantrell acting like Mikal...silly!

Sanai and Alicia

Tiffany and all he kids! :-)

Tiffany (Friend) and Sanai

Bec (Friend) and Sanai

Davis(Soror) and Sanai (future Soror)

Uncle Ira comes to Denver

Uncle Ira and Khalil snowboarding in Loveland, CO (Cool Dudes!)
"Taking A Break" Listening to music (Jazz @ Jack's )

Uncle Ira and Sanai @ Fish City.

Sanai's first time on the plane (Nashville to Denver 2/19/08)

Leaving Daddy to go visit my brother!

Mommy being silly!

Chewing on my shirt


Sanai taking a nap.

Sanai on the plane!

Okay so the real story for this day...I picked Sanai up from daycare and she was happy. When we stopped at the house she decided that she was unhappy. She screamed at the top of her lungs all the way to the airport, while parking and into the airport, but then.....she smiled and was happy. She did a great job! She talked and played with her toys. She let me throw her around ans take the pictures...never complained. It was a good thing.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Office visit

Just Chillin'
Sleepy time!

Jennifer & Sanai ( She is going to make me pretty outfits)

Mommy & Sanai

Look at that face......